What is Hydrabrasion?
When your teeth need cleaning, you go to the dentist.
When your carpets are dirty, you have them professionally cleaned.
When your car is dirty, it gets washed.
What about your skin?

Blackheads, pimples and cysts are all caused from build-up in the pores.
The skin has pores and follicles that need to be deeply cleaned, professionally. Pores and follicles need to be cleaned and washed on the inside, this prevents breakouts.
Hydrabrasion is a microdermabrasion system that exfoliates with both a dry and a wet system. The skin is deeply exfoliated with diamonds while simultaneously vacuuming and washing it. It’s a lot like getting your carpets professionally cleaned. This treatment is a soothing, refreshing and deeply cleaning.
Hydrabrasion makes aggressive microdermabrasion treatments a thing of the past!

Hydrabrasion is a dynamic process combining cleansing, exfoliating, washing and diamonds to give your skin the star treatment it deserves. Not to be confused with traditional microdermabrasion, this process is much gentler on the skin and much less irritating, particularly those with sensitive skin. New technology advances have allowed us to treat a range of skin concerns from acne and blocked pores to fine lines, wrinkles and even dull or lifeless skin. Basically anyone wanting a quick skin refresh, this rejuvenating treatment will suit them perfectly.